Choose wisely
3. Lose Belly Fat – Add Strength Work into your Training
Yes, it’s possible for you to lose weight without exercise, but getting your body active is always recommended for better results. Going to the Box at least 3 times a week to warm up, stretch out and lift some weights is beneficial in speeding up your weight loss. Lifting weights allows you to burn more calories and increase muscle mass when done properly.
Remember, muscle metabolism takes up a lot of calories. When done right, you will most likely gain weight because of the gained muscle mass, but lose fat because your body had converted it to supply the energy it requires for using your muscles. It is also essential that you replenish your body and recover properly after training.
4. Lose Belly Fat – Make Time for A Cheat Meal
Deprivation is usually the cause why so many people falter on their weight loss journey. Allow yourself to indulge at least once a week.
But just because you’re allowed a cheat meal doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you can. Pick a reasonable size portion and eat the food that you’ve been fantasizing about. This will help you to stay on track and maintain discipline the rest of the time.
Overdoing it will cause you to fall behind on the results you want to achieve. This is the time you can eat something unhealthy, but make sure you do it to satisfy your taste buds and not your appetite.
5. Lose Belly Fat – Control Portions and Calories
Without proper nutrition knowledge, calorie counting will be both exhausting and somewhat useless. The truth about it is calorie counting becomes unnecessary when you stick to the protein – healthy fat – low carb vegetables plan.
Sticking to that diet alone tells you that you’re already hitting the kind of nutrition you need in order to lose weight. But if you still want to count your calories to make sure you’re sticking to the plan, by all means, go right ahead.
Using a calorie counter or a calorie calculator is the best option if you’re not into keeping a food journal.
6. Drink Plenty Of Water
Always remember that your body needs the proper hydration to make sure that all metabolic processes are working like a well-oiled machine. Water can make you feel fuller, help you reduce cravings, and hydrate your cells and skin. Water is also a great way to help flush down the excess sodium in the body.
Remember when we said too much insulin can stock up on sodium? Well, as soon as you cut back on your simple carbs, and lower down your insulin, your body is going to need the right hydration to help eliminate the excess salt that’s causing you to keep your water weight. So, drink up like there’s no tomorrow!
7. Lose Belly Fat – Sleep Properly
The body regenerates cell repair faster while you’re sleeping. If you think your exercise routine has gotten you feeling completely sore, a good night’s rest will help heal the torn tissues caused by working out. You can also relieve pain by bathing in warm water. Every movement in the body causes wear-and-tear, so if you want to naturally get rid of the pain, sleeping will help hasten the healing. Many top CrossFit Games Athletes sleep 8 – 10 hours a night.