Gyms calculate like this. They estimate that 80% of their members won´t show up. But they still pay.
In CrossFit you can not do that. About 65-80% of the members come in on a daily basis. You have smaller classes, about 10 people in each. While in a gym (depending on the size) are dozens of folks, especially during peak time.
So here are a few reasons:
- Small classes of about 10 people
- Individual care
- Professional coaches
- Wide range of training possibilities
- Different kind of classes
- Workouts are clearly explained
- Results
- Unique atmosphere
Small classes:
All for one and one for all. No matter what your current level of fitness is, the workouts will be adjusted and you will be encouraged by the athletes that are already finished. When you finish you will also push the athletes that are not yet done. There is no egoism, no comparison in the mirror, but only help and joy if someone hits a new personal record.
Individual care:
The message from the coach will help to get your lazy ass into the box, scaling workouts at your very own level, helping you with complicated technique. The coaches know who you are and what you can do.
Professional Coaches
Weightlifting, gymnastics, endurance, mobility, strength. There are many things to learn and odds are you probably haven´t even heard about most of them. A educated coach will be on your side and lead you all the way. You will not see any person doing Deadlifts with a rounded back while some other employee stands next to him and checks WhatsApp.
Wide Range of Training Possibilities
Half a dozen different kind of squats? Running with a weighted vest? Ring Muscle ups and throwing around heavy bars? That could even be a WOD and still its only a fraction of the workout possibilities that you will see and experience.
Different Kinds of Classes
In many boxes you find different offers: Mobility, Yoga, Weightlifting, Gymnastics or the “usual” WOD, several times a week. Best thing is: You can use them!
Workouts are Clearly Explained
Your coach will help you through every workout to give you the chance to reach the best results. They will also explain the purpose of the WOD.
Being pushed to and over your limit will end up in results. You will be faster, stronger, more mobile, fitter. Visible. Just don’t be impatient, things will come to you if you put in the work.
Unique Atmosphere
Soon you will know most of the members by name. You will train together, suffer and stand up again together, help and push. Go out, find friends, be part of the community.
Compare those points. Will you be taught the correct technique in a standard gym? Does anyone care if you go for a double herniated disc?
Do you have a training plan that is orientated on you personal needs?
Compare the price to a local yoga studio. Sum it up with a weightlifting studio, membership for gymnastics and so on. And then calculate how many hours you spend in the box and what a hour costs on this base. You may be surprised.